What are the Benefits of an LED Extended Reality System?

LED stages are quickly becoming a popular choice for film productions because of the many benefits they offer. John Klein, Chief Revenue Officer at BockTech, enumerates 10 such benefits in his blog post including greater control for directors, virtual cues for anyone on set, and automatic reflections and contact lighting in post-production. With so many advantages, it's no wonder that more and more filmmakers are choosing to use LED stages!

1.     Higher Quality: The BockTech LED Extented Reality System allows you to couple best in Texas LED realism with UnReal environments to achieve the highest cinematic quality available. You can adjust the time of day, camera angle, and POV for the shoot.

2.     Better Story Telling: Directors and cinematographers will be able to see, modify and sign-off on background locations and visual effects in pre-production (even doing virtual location scouts) so there are fewer re-shoots or iterations needed in post.

3.     More Realism: Virtual cues/props can be placed for anyone on set using LED real props and LED floors. This results in better actor emotion while increasing audience engagement and retention.  

4.     Better Quality: Post-production teams will automatically have correct reflections and contact lighting on actors or physical set pieces, as well as no more green spill.

5.     Better Realism: Actors no longer have to visualize the final film with only a green screen for reference. Their eyelines will be more accurate when they look at Computer Generated (CG) elements.

6.     More Realism: Dynamic augmented reality elements can be seamlessly added for LED assets that need to move in front of your actors.

7.     Cost Savings: Post-production teams will no longer have to spend time keying from green screens.

8.     Cost Savings: There’s no need for travel. Any world can be shot from one location.

9.     Cost Savings: Large-scale set extensions can be created to seamlessly match with the LED backdrop in post, just in case the LED wall doesn’t fill up the whole camera view.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.


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